September 21 - 28 septembre, 2008

Wayne Tefs

Writer and editor WAYNE TEFS has eight novels to his credit, as well as a memoir and three anthologies. His novel Red Rock was broadcast on CBC's Booktime, and Moon Lake received the inaugural Margaret Laurence Prize for Fiction. His short story, "Red Rock and After," won the Canadian Magazine Fiction Prize. His most recent book, Be Wolf (Turnstone) is a "docu-fiction" based on the life of a German doctor who survives an ordeal in Manitoba's remote north despite a broken back. Tefs lives in Winnipeg with his wife and son.

Joel Thomas Hynes

JOEL THOMAS HYNES' earthy first novel, Down to the Dirt, won the Percy Janes First Novel Award, and was shortlisted for the Winterset Award and longlisted for the IMPAC Dublin Literary Award. He co-wrote the stageplay, The Devil You Dont Know, and his new play, Say Nothing Saw Wood, won the Newfoundland and Labrador Arts and Letters Award for Best Dramatic Script. Also an actor, his many credits include leading roles in the CBC's Hatching, Matching and Dispatching (for which he also won a Gemini Award for writing) and the film version of Down to the Dirt. His new novel is Right Away Monday (HarperCollins). Hynes lives in St John's NL. Nooner (Sept 27); Mainstage (Sept 27)

Christian Violy (Francais)

Poète et enseignant, CHRISTIAN VIOLY est titulaire d'une maîtrise en littérature québécoise (Université Laval, 1999) et a complété sa scolarité de doctorat en didactique (Université de Montréal, 2003). Il a remporté le Grand Prix des saisons littéraires (catégorie essai) par Guérin éditeur en 1996 pour Du rire à l'enchantement - d'après l'oeuvre de Francis Jammes. Violy est l'auteur de Les silences immobiles (Plaines, 2000) et Avant la chute (Plaines, 2002), bien reçus par la critique. Il travaille actuellement à titre de coordonnateur à la Division de l'éducation permanente au Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface. Son prochain recueil en préparation s'intitule Exaucé.

Sante Arcangelo Viselli

Né en Italie, près de Rome, en 1949, SANTE ARCANGELO VISELLI quitta son village en 1969 pour venir au Canada. Après les cycles d'études universitaires dans ce pays et en France, il a, en 1983, soutenu une thèse de doctorat sur la littérature française de l'époque classique à l'Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier. Son premier poste fut à Saint-Jean de Terre-Neuve, qu'il quitta définitivement en 1986 pour s'établir au coeur du Manitoba. Il est aujourd'hui professeur de littérature et de civilisation françaises à l'Université de Winnipeg. Entre autres, Sante Arcangelo Viselli est l'auteur d'un recueil de poésie intitulé Le Pendule, d'un conte et de plusieurs études académiques portant sur la littérature française des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, ainsi que sur les données littéraires et culturelles italo-canadiennes d'expression française. Foyer des écrivains (28 sept.)

Eleanor Wachtel

Born and raised in Montreal, ELEANOR WACHTEL is a highly-esteemed writer and broadcaster whose work has earned her four honorary degrees. She is a Member of the Order of Canada. Wachtel has hosted CBC Radio's "Writers & Company" since its inception in 1990 and "The Arts Tonight" until it went off the air in early 2007. Both programs have won the CBC Award for best network show. She has co-edited and co-authored a number of books, including two collections of interviews called Original Minds and More Writers & Company. Her new book, Random Illuminations (Goose Lane), is a memoir detailing her lively friendship with Carol Shields. Wachtel lives in Toronto.

Agnes Walsh

Born and brought up in Placentia, Newfoundlander AGNES WALSH is an actor, playwright, storyteller, translator, and poet. Her poems have won Newfoundland and Labrador Arts and Letters awards, and been translated into French and Portuguese. Her first book, In the Old Country of My Heart, is one of the best loved books of poetry to come out of Newfoundland. Her new collection, Going Around with Bachelors (Brick Books) confirms that reputation with poems that speak with disarming wit about life on the Cape Shore. In 2006 she was named the inaugural St. John's Poet Laureate. She divides her time between St. John's and Patrick's Cove on the Cape Shore.

Andrea Von Wichert

Kathleen Winter

KATHLEEN WINTER is a Holyrood Newfoundland writer who has written dramatic and documentary scripts for Sesame Street and CBC television and writes a weekly column for the St. John's Telegram. She has published a novella, Where is Mario, and two books of creative non-fiction, The Road Along the Shore and The Necklace of Dreams. Her new book, a collection of stories called boYs (Biblioasis), is a wryly observant investigation of the distance between men and women. The manuscript won the 2007 Metcalf Rooke Award, and the collection's lead story will be included in the next volume of Best Canadian Stories. Mainstage (Sept 27); Afternoon Book Chat (Sept 27)

Michael Winter

MICHAEL WINTER'S first novel, This All Happened, won the inaugural Winterset Award and was nominated for the Rogers Writers' Trust Fiction Prize. The Big Why was shortlisted for the Trillium Award and the Thomas Raddall Atlantic Fiction Award, and longlisted for the International IMPAC Literary Award. It was also a Globe and Mail Top 100 book for 2004 and an Editor's Pick of 25 literary books of the year worldwide. Winter's new book, The Architects Are Here (Penguin), offers his signature blend of astute characterization and brilliant styling. Originally from Newfoundland, Winter now divides his time between Corner Brook and Toronto.

Frieda Wishinsky

FRIEDA WISHINSKY was raised and educated in New York City, where she received degrees in both International Rights and Special Education. She taught children and adults with learning disabilities in New York, Israel and Canada before beginning to write. She has published over forty acclaimed books for young readers, many of which have been widely translated. This is another banner year for Wishinsky. She's publishing six time travel books in the new Canadian Red Flyer Series (Maple Tree), and a new picture book, Please, Louise! (Groundwood), illustrated by Marie-Louise Gay. Wishinsky lives in Toronto ON.

Paul Yee

Paul Yee is the leading chronicler of the Chinese immigration experience in Canada. He has to his credit many acclaimed books for young people, including The Jade Necklace, The Bone Collector's Son, and Ghost Train, which won the 1996 Governor General's Award. Recent titles include What Happened Last Summer (Tradewind), a collection of stories featuring Asian-Canadian teens, and Shu-Li and Tamara (Tradewind), a picture book for middle readers. Saltwater City, a non-fiction book for adults, was awarded the Vancouver Book Prize. His newest non-fiction book is the richly-documented coffee table history, Chinatown (Lorimer). Yee lives in Toronto.