September 21 - 28 septembre, 2008

Dave Margoshes

The author of twelve books, including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry, DAVE MARGOSHES has had his work published in numerous magazines and anthologies throughout North America, including six times in the Best Canadian Stories volumes. He has won a number of awards, including the City of Regina Writing Award and the Stephen Leacock Poetry Award for The Persistent Suitor. His new collection, Bix's Trumpet and Other Stories (NeWest), winner of the John V. Hicks Award, was praised by the judges for its "compelling images and insights." His work will appear in A/Cross Sections: New Manitoba Writing, forthcoming this fall from the Manitoba Writers' Guild. Margoshes lives in Regina. Mainstage (Sept 24); Campus Program (Sept 25)

Chandra Mayor

CHANDRA MAYOR is a Winnipeg writer and editor who was the Millennium Library's most recent Writer-in-Residence. Her first book, August Witch: poems, was short-listed for the Carol Shields Winnipeg Book Award, the Mary Scorer Award for Best Book by a Manitoba Publisher, and won the Eileen McTavish Sykes Award for Best First Book. Her novel Cherry was long-listed for a ReLit Award, short-listed for the Margaret Laurence Award for Fiction, and won the Carol Shields Winnipeg Book Award. She won the John Hirsch Award for Most Promising Manitoba Writer, and has established herself as a compelling performer, winning the 2006 CBC Manitoba Poetry Face-Off. Mainstage (Sept 30)

Brendan Mcleod

BRENDAN MCLEOD has been Vancouver's SLAM poetry champion, was the 2004 Canadian SLAM champion, and runner-up at the 2005 World SLAM championships, held in Holland. Recently, he beat out over 500 original entries to win the 2006 International 3-Day-Novel Contest with The Convictions of Leonard McKinley (3-Day Books), a darkly funny novel about growing up. When he is not writing, he tours extensively in North America and Europe as both a solo spoken word performer and as a member of the music group The Fugitives. He has an MA in Philosophy from the University of Waterloo. McLeod lives in Vancouver. School Stage (Sept 26); School Stage (Sept 26); Mainstage (Sept 26); After Words (Sept 27)

Jim Nason

JIM NASON graduated from McGill University with an MA in English Literature. He also holds degrees from Ryerson and York universities. His poems and stories have appeared in numerous literary journals in Canada as well as the United States. He is the author of two poetry collections, If Lips Were as Red and The Fist of Remembering. His first novel, The Housekeeping Journals (Turnstone), is a warm and unsentimental portrait of a young man who provides home care to a cast of eccentrics in Toronto, including many dying of AIDS. Nason lives in Toronto. Mainstage (Sept 24); Afternoon Book Chat (Sept 25)

Bertrand Nayet (Francais)

Né à Auxerre (France) en 1962, BERTRAND NAYET arrive au Manitoba à 13 ans lorsque sa famille s'établit sur une ferme à Dufrost. Il termine ses études secondaires à Sainte-Anne-des-Chênes (Manitoba) puis il obtient un baccalauréat spécialisé en traduction (1986) et un baccalauréat en éducation (1989) au Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface. Professeur de français et de théâtre au Collège Louis-Riel, il dirige la troupe de théâtre de cette école secondaire franco-manitobaine. Après des haïkus, il publie en 2003 des récits épistolaires en collaboration : Voyages en papier (Blé). Également illustrateur d'un livre pour enfants, il prépare plusieurs ouvrages variés. Foyer des écrivains (26 sep)

Yvette Nolan

YVETTE NOLAN is a playwright, dramaturge, and director. Her plays include Annie Mae's Movement, BLADE, Job's Wife, Video, the libretto Hilda Blake and the radio play Owen. Directing credits include The Triple Truth (Turtle Gals), Tales of an Urban Indian, The Unnatural and Accidental Women, Annie Mae's Movement (Native Earth). As a dramaturge, she works across Canada, most recently as the Festival Dramaturge for Saskatchewan Playwrights Centre Spring Festival. She was the president of the Playwrights Union of Canada 1998- 2001, and of Playwrights Canada Press 2003-2005. She is currently the Artistic Director of Native Earth Performing Arts in Toronto. Rural Tour (Oct 24)

Leif Norman

LEIF NORMAN enjoys performing poetry and music under such names as "DJ Particle Board" and "Mr. Shmengie the Bouncing Toupee." His work has gained him a place on the 2007 Manitoba Poetry Slam Team which will compete in Halifax in October. As a recent graduate of the University of Winnipeg he hopes to put his Chemistry degree to good use and get a real job like a grown up person should, but until then he is concentrating on poetry. Norman lives in Winnipeg. After Words (Sept 28)

Emily Pohl-Weary

EMILY POHL-WEARY grew up in the west end of Toronto where she still lives. She has recently published a poetry collection, Iron-On Constellations, and a novel, A Girl Like Sugar, and edited a female superhero anthology, Girls Who Bite Back: Witches, Mutants, Slayers and Freaks. In 2002, she co-authored the Hugo Award-winning biography of her grandmother, Better to Have Loved: The Life of Judith Merril which was also short-listed for the Toronto Book Award. Her new young adult novel, Strange Times at Western High (Annick), features a zine-publishing teen sleuth. Pohl-Weary edits Kiss Machine, an art/lit magazine, and is currently at work on a girl pirate comic, Violet Miranda. School Stage (Sept 26); School Stage (Sept 26); Campus Program (Sept 27)

Laurent Poliquin (Francais)

LAURENT POLIQUIN a publié trois recueils de poésie aux Éditions des Plaines. Titulaire d'un baccalauréat en philosophie de l'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, d'une maîtrise en études françaises de l'Université de Colombie-Britannique et d'un baccalauréat en éducation du Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface, il enseigne le français et la littérature à l'Université du Manitoba et est éditeur adjoint aux Éditions des Plaines. Il participe régulièrement à des récitals de poésie, notamment au Marché de la poésie de Montréal (2007) et au Salon du livre de Paris (2007). Membre du comité de rédaction de la revue Contemporary Verse 2, il collabore au magazine culturel Liaison. Il prépare un prochain recueil intitulé La métisse filante. Foyer des écrivains (28 sep)

Marc Prescott (Francais)

MARC PRESCOTT a écrit plusieurs oeuvres théâtrales et réalisé des traductions et des adaptations pour le Cercle Molière et la troupe des Chiens de Soleil. En 1993, Sex, Lies et les F.-M. inaugure une nouvelle ère dans le théâtre franco-manitobain. Sa pièce Bullshit, mise en scène sous le titre Poissons, s'est méritée le « Masque » de la meilleure production franco-canadienne en 2001. Quelques années plus tôt, l'École nationale du théâtre à Montréal a connu son plus grand succès public avec L'Année du Big Mac. Marc Prescott a publié aux Éditions du blé Big!; Bullshit; Sex, Lies et les Franco-Manitobains (2001), Encore (2003) et L'Année du Big-Mac (2004). Foyer des écrivains (28 sep)

Alison Preston

ALISON PRESTON was born and raised in Winnipeg. She tried on several other cities, including Calgary, London ON, and Vancouver, then returned to Winnipeg, where she now lives in the Norwood Flats, home also to the quirky characters in her novels. She is a graduate of the University of Winnipeg and was a letter carrier for twenty-eight years. She has published five mystery novels, including The Geranium Girls and Cherry Bites, which was nominated for the McNally Robinson Book of the Year Award, the Mary Scorer Award for Best Book by a Manitoba Publisher and the Carol Shields Winnipeg Book Award. Her new book is Sunny Dreams (Signature Editions). Around the City (Sept 29)

Rory Runnells

RORY RUNNELLS has been the Artistic Director of the Manitoba Association of Playwrights since 1983, supporting and mentoring both developing and established playwrights. Over the past two decades, he has produced many Fringe and independent theatre productions, and is the Drama Editor for Prairie Fire magazine. Since 2005, he has written incisive essays on opera for the Manitoba Opera program. Runnells lives in Winnipeg. Around the City (Sept 29)

Michel Saint Hilaire

Artiste visuel franco-manitobain, MICHEL SAINT HILAIRE est présentement un peintre de murales a temps plein, en collaboration avec Mandy van Leeuwen. Spécialiste du dessin et de la peinture, il affiche une technique raffinée avec un style surréaliste. Il a complété 2 années des beaux arts à l'université du Manitoba. Il a participé à des expositions dans les galeries suivantes : Maison des Artistes, Piano Nobile Gallery, Cream, Label, Annex. Il est associé à la galerie de la Maison des Artistes. Il a fait partie de son comité de programmation Il a conçu un livre d'illustrations, La pierre Le corps, qui a été publié par As We Try And Sleep Press. Foyer des écrivains (26 sep)

Paul Savoie

PAUL SAVOIE is a writer and translator with more than twenty books in both French and English, to his credit. His poetry collections include Amour flou, Racines d'eau, L'Émpire des rôdeurs, and Fishing for Light. Several of the poems in The Selected Poetry of Louis Riel, a Savoie translation, appeared in Maggie Siggins' biography of Riel. Savoie is also a musician and has written many songs in collaboration with other songwriters. His most recent poetry collection, Crac (Les Éditions David), won the 2007 Trillium Award for Poetry. Originally from St Boniface MB, Savoie moved to Ontario in the 1970s and lives in Toronto. Mainstage (Sept 29)

Paul Savoie (Francais)

Originaire de Saint-Boniface, PAUL SAVOIE vit en Ontario depuis les années 1970. Il a publié plusieurs livres dans tous les genres littéraires, dont le recueil Amour flou, que Pierre Nepveu a loué dans la revue Spirale, et Racines d'eau, publié dans la collection Ovale des Éditions du Noroît. Il a publié deux récits, Mains de père et À tue-tête, et des recueils de nouvelles. Il a traduit la poésie de Louis Riel (vers l'anglais) et celle de Dennis Lee (vers le français). Il collabore avec Dyane Léger à un recueil de poésie et avec Roberta Morris à un roman érotique. En 2007, il obtient le Prix Trillium pour son recueil CRAC. Foyer des écrivains (26 sep); Foyer des écrivains (28 sep)

Gregory Scofield

GREGORY SCOFIELD is a Métis poet, writer, activist and community worker whose maternal ancestry can be traced back five generations to the Red River Settlement and to Kinesota, Manitoba. He has published several acclaimed books of poetry, including the powerful Singing Home the Bones (Raincost), as well as the memoir Thunder Through My Veins: Memories of a Métis Childhood. His work has garnered both the Canadian Authors Association Air Canada Award and the Dorothy Livesay Poetry Prize, and he is the subject of a feature documentary, Singing Home the Bones: A Poet Becomes Himself, airing this year on BRAVO, STN, and APTN. Scofield and his partner live in Calgary. Rural Tour (Oct 24)

Skip Stone

SKIP STONE is a Winnipeg born writer who lives his civilian life under the alias Jonathan Surla. He is a member of Winnipeg B-boy crew Dangerous Goods under many aliases, and tried to be an actor in Toronto for what he feels may have been waaaaaay too long. He was a member of last year's Winnipeg Poetry Slam Team which competed in Toronto and is happy to be joining the team once again to compete in Halifax this year. He raps, wears hats, and in his spare time he likes to write short bios for his various other aliases.